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Treatment of Acne and Scars

Treatment of Acne and Scars
Based acne treatment by reducing oil production, fight bacterial infections, accelerating skin cell turnover and reduce inflammation. Drugs that can be used is retinoic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and topical antibiotics / topical. Most acne medications do not give results within the first 4-6 weeks. Treatment provided can include external treatment and medicines to drink depending on the degree of severity of acne.

For topical treatment, can use retinoic acid is applied at night on a regular basis. In addition to treating blackheads and acne, the drug can also shrink the pores and brighten the skin. At the start of use, acne may appear more and more, the skin becomes red and peeling, but the use of drugs should be continued until at least 3 months, if need be so.

Treatment of Acne and Scars
Avoid sun exposure when taking these drugs or use sunblock with an SPF of at least 30. But choosing sunblock also have to be careful, because most of sunblock can trigger the appearance of blackheads more. Choose sunblock and all skin care products labeled non-comedogenic. In large pimples and inflammation can be given injections of corticosteroids. All of these therapies should be on the indication and are under the supervision of a doctor.

Other procedures to remove blackheads and pimples are microdemabration and or chemical peeling. But preferably before choosing and perform the procedure, your skin analyzed first such type of blackheads and acne, skin type, and the presence of allergic reactions. After that chosen types of chemical liquids and concentration / strength that is appropriate for your skin condition.

Treatment of acne scars is very dependent on the area and depth of acne scars. In light conditions, acne scars can fade with just a 2% hydroquinone administration (including the safe dose) only just in the area of acne scars.

In addition, acne scars can also be disguised by providing a night cream that generally contain retinoic acid, and if there are signs of inflammation will usually be added anti-inflammatory creams prescribed by a dermatologist and Gender. Another way to diminish or even eliminate acne scars namely procedures and chemical peels or microdermabrasion. The series of these procedures (night creams, chemical peels, and microdermabrasion) works by accelerating the process of skin regeneration, so that new skin cells will be more quickly arise. Do not forget to use a sunscreen with a minimum SPF 30 to protect skin from UVA and UVB exposure that can worsen the condition.
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